Elementary School Grants:
Allisyn York- Flexible seating kit
Christen Mulvihill – Bookshelf & Flexible seating
Emily Benson – Bookshelf & Flexible seating
Emma Keough/Brittany Casciotti- Non- fiction texts including National Geographic Kids
Lynne Carter- Funds for Kindergarten “Ready Readers” Program
Megan Goldfuss- SLP Now (speech curriculum)
Misty Roeper – Alternate seating options (standing desks, activity table & steel stools)
Tim Taylor-Flexible seating
Brenda Siepmann (Elem/MS) – (2) 3D printers & supplies
Middle School Grants:
Dee Thompson- Scholastic Scope Magazines
Kate Schaeffer- Funds for “Be The Difference” Club activities
High School Grants:
Beth Price – Funds towards field trip to drama @ The College of Mt St Joseph
Hannah Reinke – Physical education supplies (portable goals, cones, resistance bands, etc)
Jill Stegemann- Funds towards Academic Signing Day held in May of 2020
Sara Nazzarine- Funds towards space for alternative learning program
Cihan Taktak (District) – Supplies for 3D printing and engraving
Total Amount Granted $9,200